This week’s fruit is also a type of apple – It is called "custard apple" because of its special texture.
So, a custard apple (Annona) a day keeps the doctor away.
Do not allow its different appearance to confuse you. The taste is unique, sweet and wonderful and many studies show that the rich nutritional value is effective in the prevention of many different ailments.
Annona is a tree about 3-6 meters high, of the annonaceae family, and is a native of the Americas.
The family includes over 100 species of subtropical trees and shrubs. most of which are edible by humans . A common species is called Cherimoya which is Chile 's national fruit. It is said that it loves to grow overlooking the snow-capped peaks, but it is not content in the cold weather. It is really sensitive to cold .
Annona production is not large, probably because of the delicacy of the fruit which makes picking and packing difficult for marketing and exporting .
Shannon is another species of Annona which originated in Spain and Italy around the 16th century and migrated throughout the rest of the world which has suitable growing conditions . It also does not like the cold. It is found most commonly in the coastal plain .
Seeds of the tree, which are often ground into toothpaste (and which are poisonous, so do not eat them !!), sprout readily and the tree can be grown quite easily .
Annona ripens in the fall and early winter and we can enjoy it till it gets too cold- NOW!!!
How to select ripe fruit which is sweet to eat? By feel, you can check the maturity similar to the avocado. Look for fruit that is soft to the touch , but not too soft.
The uniqueness of the fruit is its taste and smell – something like banana and pear together. It also has a unique texture.
It is also highly nutritious and particularly rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium . It is also full of vitamins C and B. Annona extract can be found in a multitude of capsules for the treatment of cancer, high blood pressure, depression, stress and intestinal parasites.
The Shannon annona is considered to enhance the process of nerve conduction and thus contributes in treating anxiety, attention deficit disorders, memory problems, Etc.
Of course, I like to eat the whole fruit, so I enjoy a wide variety of its beneficial components – fiber , minerals and vitamins , which all contribute to our health .
Ripe fruit will keep out of the refrigerator for up to two days, or in the fridge, at the top where it is not too cold, for up to two weeks .
Here is a simple recipe for a kind of ice pudding. The annona adds a creamy texture …
But really, for annona you do not need recipes. Just open and eat it. Mark Twain said it was the most delicious fruit known to man .
Have a Rainy happy week,
Maggie, Michelle and The Garden staff
I expected in our organic baskets together with the Annonas (draft only):
Sweet Potatoes
And grapefruit
Larger ones also:
New Zealand spinach
Red onion
Organic fruit baskets:
Annonas, of course 🙂
And Sweeties
Larger ones also:
And star fruit