

זוקיני אורגני בסלי הירקות האורגניים, הגינה של מגי

When you grow a garden, you get used to eating according to the harvest, rather than by habit or desires that existed before the harvest …. You get used to shortages of a certain crop or to a wealth of another, or to a  super-abundance of a particular product. In order for it not to be wasted we must eat it or drink it, sell or donate it, or preserve it in some manner (dry, cook, pickle, freeze, etc.)

The gourd family is definitely the ruling family in this season. This family includes melons, watermelons, cucumbers, summer squash and winter squash.

Summer squash are the fruit we know as "zucchini". They are summer squash because they are harvested in summer and eaten in summer, unlike the winter squash that reach full ripeness in summer and can be stored for winter use. These squash are called pumpkins.

The name of the squash, which is native to America, in one of the original American languages ​​was something that sounds like squash (used until today) The word means something like "eaten raw".

How appropriate to remember them when there is a shortage of cucumbers. They can also be mixed into a salad, just as they are. It works. It's delicious. Try it ☺

Here are a couple of recipes since it is not always easy to use what the earth provides with no advanced planning ☺

Have a good week, full of fun and new beginning of summer vacation!

To health!

Maggie and the garden staff.

 זוקיני אורגני בסלי הירקות האורגניים, הגינה של מגי

Basic peeled Zucchini salad (which can be varied in an infinite number of ways)

Cherry tomato and zucchini salad

We expect in our organic vegetable baskets (draft only):




Cucumbers … hoping …

Zucchinis 🙂



New Zealand spinach


Green onions



In the larger organic vegetable baskets, also:


Cherry tomatoes


Baladi eggplant


Organic fruit baskets, expected:






In the larger organic fruit baskets, also:



And plums


היי, אנחנו מחכים לך 🙂