What is in organic kiwi that makes it a welcomed guest on our plate?

We got Chinese Gooseberry. The Macaque Peach. The Astonishing Fruit.

I can go on with synonyms for this fruit – the national bird of New Zealand, a small melon (melonnete), but in the end – they all mean to Kiwi. Short for Kiwifruit. Yes, Kiwi. This bizarre name changing began with the Chinese. They happily grew fruit, particularly in southern China, and enjoyed them very much. In 1904 the seeds of the fruit arrived in New Zealand – were planted, cultivated, irrigated, and soon the fruit began to spread. In 1924, a botanist named Hayward decided that New Zealand should have its own specie and developed one –it is named after him till today. American soldiers who spent time in New Zealand during World War II discovered it and fell in love, in time the kiwifruit spread to the rest of the world. In 1959, the name issue became somewhat complicated when a New Zealand company sought to commercialize this crop and find the fruit an appropriate trade name. The name "Chinese Gooseberry" seemed problematic during the Cold War that was going on just then, and after brainstorming  it was decided to call it "Kiwi" – Because if there is a national bird and the fruit has a certain resemblance to it (and no, she/it is not green on the inside with seeds, if you were wondering. The color of the feathers slightly resembles the peel), then we have a winner name.

What is in organic kiwi that makes it a welcomed guest on our plate? Lots!

It contains not only the daily amount of vitamin C (i.e. much more than an orange, which has an excellent reputation in regards to vitamin C), but also potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and also B vitamins. Perfect ammunition for winter (in addition, according to Chinese medicine, citrus fruits can cause more phlegm in the body.

Frequently during the winter, we want to get rid of the saliva and phlegm dripping out of everyone's nose, without compromising the intake of vitamin C, which is needed to keep away all sorts of lurking winter diseases. The organic kiwifruit can be an excellent solution).

Kiwi is excellent not only for the immune system – it also lowers triglyceride levels and balances the cholesterol in favor of good cholesterol, making it agent to fend off various cardiovascular diseases (and it is much tastier than any medicine used for the same purpose…). Various studies link regular consumption of kiwi with a reduced risk for gastrointestinal problems (kiwi is good for decomposition of food on its way to the stomach, particularly high protein foods, so the whole system needs to work less hard later and it is less likely to suffer of irritable bowel syndrome). Kiwi may also avoid vision problems such as Macular Degeneration, relieve allergy and asthma symptoms in children, improve the appearance of facial skin and contributes to a good night's sleep. And all of this – in a nice, sourish delicious fruit. How wonderful is it that nature gives us such a rich set of tools that we can protect ourselves.


Organic kiwi should be eaten together with its peel – It contains many good substances such as vitamins and anti-oxidants, and like with any organic fruit we do not need to worry about residues of pesticides that may remain on the peel.

So how do we eat organic kiwi? If you get bored with the good old method of slicing thin slices, or eating it with a spoon – it is easiest to add kiwi to a fruit salad, it balances any composition of fruit you put with its sourish taste. You can also put it in the blender, with a green apple and a little mint, or go wild with desserts – an addition for cakes, or chutney. I like the simple version – kiwi, spoon and go for it.

To health!

Maggie and the garden staff


We can expect in our organic vegetable baskets (draft only):






Turkish Spinach




In the large organic vegetable baskets, also:



And carrot


Organic fruit baskets:




And oranges


In the large organic fruit baskets, also:


And Pomelo

היי, אנחנו מחכים לך 🙂